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Peterborough 01733 252 484


Wizzizz Spiral Galaxy
"Thimble Bimble"
Wizzizz Black Magic
Ch Lekkerbisken's Entertainer for Wizzizz
So proud of this supa star
At her first show at 1 year and 5 days old BEST OF BREED at SKC 2021
What a fantastic way to finish her puppy career
Attended 9 Champ Shows and won 9 Best puppies !
2 x RCC, 1 x Best Bitch, 2x Res Best Bitch
Southern Counties Champ
Best Puppy
Judge - Elaine Waddington
East of England Champ
Best puppy
Res Best Bitch, Best Puppy
Puppy group 4
Breed Judge - Mr M Evans
Group Judge - Mr G A Dymock
Leeds Champ
Best Puppy
Judge - Mr A Wight
Bath Champ
RCC & Best Puppy
Judge - Lucy Mottram
Blackpool Champ
Best Bitch and Best Puppy
Judge - Mike Gadsby
Driffield Ch
Res Best Bitch & Best Puppy
Judge - Ken Bartlett
Richmond Champ
Best Puppy
Judge - Margaret Kempster
Darlington Champ
Best Puppy
Judge - Miss V. S Cox
National Dog Show
RCC & Best Puppy
Judge - Stuart Payne
BEST OF BREED SKC October 2021

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